Saturday, September 6, 2008

Walt Crawford Alumni Meet

Well tonight was my first race in the EIU uniform, and though it was not a true NCAA race and it was only 4 miles long it was still a lot of fun. We were told to use it as a hard workout night and were given specific paces to follow(5:15-5:20 for me). Well the race felt great from the get go....I went through the mile with a group of older guys on the team at 5:16....we were right on the money. When I heard the split I knew this was the group to stay with cause they were going the same I sat with them and we went through mile two at 10:37(5:19) still in the exceptible range. We never faltered once....mile three came and we went through at 15:57(5:20)....after that my legs were itching to take off, but everytime I tried the older guys would call me back, but with a half mile to go I knew we were off our pace so I went for it closing it in 2:20ish ending with a 5:10ish for my last mile and a final time of 21:13! Not bad for my first Cross-Country race over 3-miles. What a race, but next week will be interesting cause it'll be my first NCAA 8k at the EIU Invitational! The goal is 26:00 or better and I know it'll be tough, but I believe God will help calm my nerves and give me the strength to do what needs to be done!

1 comment:

Aaron said...

Good job Jordan and good luck next weekend!